Well Jan 1 was the first day of my Whole30 journey. I don’t like to call it a diet because I don’t look at it like that. It is a time period where you find out which inflammatory foods affect your body along with how much. One of the many perks is clearer skin, weight loss, and more energy among other things. By cutting out these inflammatory foods and slowly reintroducing them back into your daily life, you learn which ones you are willing to eat and in what quantities and which ones you are better off avoiding.
On day 4 I noticed that I was a bit more sleepy and less energetic but that was probably due to my body searching for alternative food sources since I have consumed a bit less carbs than normal and no added sugar. I was able to get a workout in on day 2 and 5 and a mountain bike ride on day 3 and 6 (with a minor crash) and all went well. The hardest part so far is figuring out ways to have a variety of foods to eat that do not take me too long to bake, cook, or create. So far the winner has been a salad with leftover chicken or steak along with sweet potatoes and eggs of any kind. I cooked up a crustless quiche that was fantastic (get the recipe here) and really filled me up so I didn’t overeat that day. Also on standby for evening meals is pre-made Whole30 meals delivered by Fresh N Lean. I have eaten only a couple so far and while not super attractive in appearance, they actually tasted pretty good.
I am one week down and have three more to go before I can weigh in and start the reintroduction phase.
My Whole30 Journey
Well Jan 1 was the first day of my Whole30 journey. I don’t like to call it a diet because I don’t look at it like that. It is a time period where you find out which inflammatory foods affect your body along with how much. One of the many perks is clearer skin, weight…